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The Excellency Reza Pahlavi, why are you in a hurry?  

Sunday, 30 October 2016 16:39 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size



Apparently, the Prince who is lack of crest and throne is doing everything to have the least things in the cyberspace.


     According to the reports, the Excellency Reza Pahlavi has proselytized a battle called “freedom” for the deviant cult of Baha’ism in the program black and white in Ofoq Iran network.

     Based on the evidence in history, the Baha’ism movement has been the most effective look in the management of Pahlavi system of government especially the second one. And of course in this period of time it has exploited the best.

     The influence and dominance of Baha’ism in the father and the son’s governments was so much that even the most sensitive posts had been occupied by the agents of the cult. However, after the victory of the Islamic revolution on Bahman 1357 this spying organization was totally scattered in Iran and it is doing secret measures and activities such as spying, insulting the holy entities, changing the religious theological beliefs and etc. secretly.

     Now, Ofoq Iran network directed and supported by Reza Khan Pahlavi. He is going to curry Baha’ism like his father.

     For a period of time, the network was proselytizing in favor of Baha’ism but now the network openly mentions the names of Khanjani who is one of the active Baha’i families and has formed a battle called freedom in addition to proselytizing for them.

     In a part of the program, the accused Baha’i has been introduced as the human right activities:

     “As you know, the national Iranian council is pursuing the battle of “together for freedom”. We are going to introduce Mr. Navid Khanjani in black and white program. He is in prison in Iran now. He has born in Isfahan and is one of the activities in human rights and the minority ones.”

     It is interesting to be noted that not only Navid Khanjani; but also most of the members of his family serve the Baha’ism cult and have tried to meet the organization interests. Some of them are in prison to be punished.

     Apparently the Excellency Reza Khan Pahlavi has forgotten that when his father was in power was cooking goose for the accusations less important than Navid Khanjani’s ones including spreading canards, disturbing the public minds, proselytizing against the system of government by spreading news and reports and interview with foreign television and radios and etc.


     Nevertheless, it should be said that to the zealous Iranian people and the international community supporting a disgusting and hateful cult can’t change anything. We suggest you to continue your free trade…

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